Хермоус Мора
Хермоус Мора
Хермоус Мора
6800.23-5.47 in the last 7 days
Posts: 456
Comments: 32992
With us since: 2014-01-05

Хермоус Мора's posts

Should be full size when clicked. I hope so, saved in png.

I remind you again: .сс migrants can choose the Horseman of the Apocalypse or the deadly sin to be in the picture of our invasion of the .сom.
Well, migrants from the ".сс", a new year has begun, a new event has come.
last time there were gays from outer space, now horsemen of the apocalypse.
Please tag everyone who participates. it would be nice to hear a wish about who you want to be. I think that you can add mortal sins. what to trifle?
Делать я буду разумеется не так топорно, как сейчас с телефона. А топорно как в прошлый раз в пейнте. 
Всем удачного года! Нave a good year! 
,games,Game Art
I hope your English-speaking reality will continue to live and prosper.
I will visit you, but much less frequently than last week. And it seems that few people paid attention to me except those with whom I came.
I wish you good luck, laughter, health